For your convenience, we have listed all of SWAN's "Responsible Reporting" media project resources below, with a brief description of the resource, its target audience and how it may be helpful. ...

For your convenience, we have listed all of SWAN's "Responsible Reporting" media project resources below, with a brief description of the resource, its target audience and how it may be helpful. ...
Police across Canada are presenting cases as human trafficking in their news releases, but it’s often just a crackdown on sex workers and their clients. In some cases, police framed child...
To combat the longstanding stereotype that sex workers are only women, SWAN teamed up with HIM, an organization that supports men and masc sex workers, to help dispel some myths and shed light on an...
Bad Imagery in Sex Work Reporting Using inappropriate images when reporting on sex work can contribute to misinformation, widely-held stereotypes and the dehumanization and 'othering' of sex...
SWAN has developed a brief language guide to aid reporters in avoiding harmful language about sex workers. This guide is not exhaustive. It should also be noted that language is ever-changing and...
The continued violation of sex workers’ rights—and the dismissal of their lived experiences and general humanity—is demonstrated in the September 2023 Ontario Superior Court’s dismissal of a...
In March 2021, a constitutional challenge against Canada’s sex work laws—the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA)—was launched to address violations of sex workers’ basic...
Sensationalism is hurting everyone. Clickbait headlines may get newsrooms more readers, but they're contributing to a moral panic that doesn't help actual trafficking victims. Learn more...