
Due to multi-layered criminalization and stigma, im/migrant sex workers face daunting barriers to accessing healthcare, legal support and justice. In contrast to the many “rescue” initiatives that push women to exit the industry, SWAN Vancouver respects a woman’s right to self-determination and focuses on their rights, health and safety. We provide frontline programs when mainstream services have failed to offer safe and inclusive support to im/migrant sex workers.  

We advocate for the full decriminalization of sex work that doesn’t leave migrants behind, which means repealing Canada’s prostitution laws and regulations that ban temporary residents from doing sex work. Until then, SWAN’s frontline programs are crucial in connecting women to basic services.  

When you give to SWAN, your generous contribution will help fund:  

  • Frontline work including delivering safer sex supplies, booking and accompanying women to healthcare appointments and connecting them with our staff and programs.  
  • Peer Program activities including four semesters of English Class, one of the many learning and social activities developed following requests from the women.  
  • Advocacy and policy work such as working with municipal, provincial and federal governments to push for equitable laws, bylaws and practices impacting the women we support.  

Donate to SWAN Vancouver to help us provide fulsome services and support to women as we work towards systemic change.  

Other ways to give

Cheque or e-transfer

You can sign up to become a monthly donor or make a one-time via e-transfer or by mailing us a cheque to:

SWAN Vancouver Society
#325 – 1101 Seymour Street
Vancouver, BC
V6B 0R1


You can also make a legacy donation.

Inquire here.


Volunteering at SWAN is a life-changing experience!

You will learn valuable skills and life lessons. Volunteer opportunities include, but are not limited to: outreach, condom-packing parties, and other opportunities based on your skillset and/or interests.

View current volunteer opportunities here.