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Building a Culture of Respect

Jun 1, 2018 | Campaigns

– by Crystal Laderas and Tyson Singh Kelsall  ਟਾਈਸਨ ਸਿੰਘ, republished from Drug Data Decoded 

‘Building a Culture of Respect’ Campaign for Victims and Survivors of Crime Week 2018

Based on migrant sex workers’ experiences with police in 2017-2018, SWAN launched ‘Building a Culture of Respect: Police and Sex Workers‘ campaign. This campaign is targeted at police and focuses on the fundamental principle that is imperative in any interaction between police and sex workers – respect.

Watch the project launch and share the SWAN Respect Infographic.

Department of Justice funded the project.

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Our resources explain difference between sex work and human trafficking and the ways in which mainstream anti-trafficking campaigns cause harm.


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