Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) Sex Work Prohibition Charter Violations
The Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) prohibition on sex work violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, specifically Sections 7 and 15.

Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) Sex Work Prohibition
On June 6, 2012, the Conservative Government of Canada put forward amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR), with the intention to improve protections

Canadian Sex Work Laws Timeline
An interactive timeline of Sex Work Laws in Canada from Canadian Confederation July 1, 1867 to Government Response to the report of the Standing Committee On Justice And Human Rights October 20, 2022

‘Of Course People Will Hire the White Person’: Social and economic inclusion of migrant women in Vancouver, Canada
SWAN participated in Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women’s (GAATW) global feminist participatory action research study.

Brief to the Justice and Human Rights Committee on Bill C-36: Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act
In February 2022, SWAN submitted a Brief to the Justice and Human Rights Committee on Bill C-36 and testified at the hearings.

Think again
Think Again is a social media campaign that challenges people to think critically about their involvement with mainstream anti-trafficking campaigns. The images in this campaign highlight how anti-trafficking campaigns may be incompatible

Roundtable on Asian Migrant Sex Work
New Books Network: Roundtable on Asian Migrant Sex Work: in the aftermath of the Atlanta massacre in March 2021, Executive Director Alison Clancey, Kelly Go (SWAN's Outreach Coordinator), Dr. Lily...

The Pulse Interview
SWAN’s Executive Director Alison Clancey and WISH Drop-In Centre Society’s Executive Director Mebrat Beyene are interviewed on CFRO’s The Pulse. They discuss the Atlanta shootings and the province-wide Bad Date and Aggressor Reporting system being developed for BC.