VIDEO: Im/migrant Sex Workers Don’t Need a ‘Hero’ Journalist
Beware of the rescue mentality. Beware of the rescue mentality that is so prevalent in anti-trafficking work. If your mission is to save people and centre yourself as the hero, you could be...

VIDEO: Finding A Balance in Reporting on Sex Work
What’s the other side of the sex work debate? Here’s why your search for interviews may not result in a balanced news story - especially when one side is deliberately using unsubstantiated...

Rethinking Red Flags
Many mainstream anti-trafficking campaigns give a list of ‘red flags’ — signs of trafficking that you should watch out for in day-to-day life. Unfortunately, these red flags cause more problems than they solve…

How Data & Statistics Can Be Misinterpreted, Misrepresented and Manipulated
For a change, we aren’t going to be talking about im/migrant women engaged in sex work… Instead, we’ll be talking about some of the ways data and statistics can be misleading (both intentionally and unintentionally)…

Expert Take: Questions to Ask About Human Trafficking ‘Facts’ & Statistics
To combat misinformation, SWAN has collaborated with qualified experts to discuss a heavily sensationalized and politicized topic in Canada — human trafficking.In this resource, Drs O'Doherty and...

Interviewing Sex Workers
You're a journalist. You have a tight deadline. How will you interview a sex worker in the next couple of hours? You probably won't.Including sex workers' voices in your stories is crucial to...

Language Matters
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you? Language can actually have a profound impact. Language shapes our "normal" — the way we think, the way we feel about something...

SWAN Glossary of Terms
SWAN's Glossary Unless otherwise specified, these definitions were developed by SWAN to reflect the experiences of the women we serve. Unless specified, these definitions are not necessarily legal...