News & Updates > Chocolate or Chicken Bones

Chocolate or Chicken Bones

Jan 8, 2022 | Campaigns, Events

SWAN is pleased to announce our new Photovoice Project, ‘Chocolate or Chicken Bones’.

This project showcases photos taken by the women we serve, depicting various aspects of their lives, including their families, homes, hobbies, dreams, and travels. 

Our hope is that through these photos and stories we can counter the stereotypical and one-dimensional perceptions of Asian women engaged in sex work.

“People think that we are like chocolate. That we are sweet and you can just swallow us and consume us. We are not chocolate. You can’t just swallow us and forget about us. We are like chicken bones. We will stick in your throat.” – Participant

The photos and stories were featured in an exhibit at Chinatown’s Sum Gallery in 2019.

This year, SWAN digitized the exhibition to make it accessible to a wider audience. We invite you to take some time and learn the stories of some of the women SWAN serves – from their perspective.

LUSH Cosmetics funded this project.



Opening Night: 8 January 2019 – Guest Book Entries

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Your generosity helps us promote the rights, health, and safety of im/migrant women engaged in indoor sex work through frontline service and systemic advocacy.


Our resources explain difference between sex work and human trafficking and the ways in which mainstream anti-trafficking campaigns cause harm.


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