British Columbia is being praised as the first province to offer free birth control, but for many immigrant and migrant women engaged in sex work, this program changes nothing. After the B.C. government announced the free prescription contraceptives…
Sex workers – victims or threats: Practicum students explore misconceptions of im/migrant women engaged in sex work
They’re victims of exploitation, or they’re a threat to society – these are the common stereotypes and misconceptions about im/migrant women engaged in sex work.
SWAN Vancouver welcomes new Executive Director Angela Wu
SWAN Vancouver (SWAN) will continue its front-line service and advocacy under new leadership. Please join the Board of Directors in congratulating Angela Wu on her new role as Executive Director. Angela has seamlessly transitioned into this position. Her leadership skills and commitment to our mission…
SWAN has a new look
Where we came from ​Twenty years ago, a group of volunteers began a pilot project doing HIV outreach to migrant and immigrant women working in massage businesses in the Lower Mainland. As trust built and relationships grew
Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women
SWAN participated in Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women’s (GAATW) global feminist participatory action research study as its member. The study examined the challenges that migrant and trafficked women
Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act Review
In February 2022, the legislature’s Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights (JUST) began its review of Canada’s sex work laws, The Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA).