
STATEMENT: Ontario Superior Court dismisses PCEPA challenge

STATEMENT: Ontario Superior Court dismisses PCEPA challenge

  We are deeply disappointed in the Ontario Superior Court’s decision to dismiss a Charter challenge to the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act. Im/migrant sex workers will continue to face criminalization, violence and stigma under PCEPA. The...

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Delivering safer sex supplies to im/migrant women in sex work

Delivering safer sex supplies to im/migrant women in sex work

A thousand condoms and safer sex supplies are being loaded into the trunk of Hayley Leung’s car. The Outreach Coordinator has her route’s massage businesses and apartments mapped out: a few stops in the city before heading to Burnaby and the Tri-Cities.  Persistence...

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SWAN Vancouver speaks to House of Commons Committee

SWAN Vancouver speaks to House of Commons Committee

On Monday May 15, 2023, SWAN Vancouver spoke to the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women for its study on human trafficking. Executive Director Angela made the following presentation:Download a PDF of SWAN's brief here >Good morning, Committee...

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