SWAN in the media

in the media.

Advocacy is a critical part of SWAN’s work and the organization is regularly cited in the media for discussions of, and issues related to, sex work.

The media helps us raise awareness about the work we do and the issues we advocate for.

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SWAN has been featured in…

SWAN in the media | The Vancouver Sun logo
SWAN in the media | The Vancouver Sun logo
SWAN in the media | The Vancouver Sun logo
SWAN in the media | The Vancouver Sun logo
SWAN in the media | The Vancouver Sun logo
SWAN in the media | The Vancouver Sun logo
SWAN in the media | The Vancouver Sun logo
SWAN in the media | The Vancouver Sun logo




7 Dec. 2023, Richmond News –Sex worker advocates push back against attempt to rid Richmond of massage parlours

17 June 2023, The Toronto Star – An op-ed by SWAN’s Communications Manager urging the federal government to act on its recommendations “Why Canada needs to end ban on migrant sex work

13 April 2023, CTV Vancouver – A pharmacy practicum student speaks about the risk migrant sex workers face when trying to access healthcare “B.C.’s free birth control program puts some women at danger: SWAN Vancouver


14 December 2022, The Maple – SWAN discusses how the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations unfairly targets migrant women in sex work. “‘Anti-Trafficking’ Measures Are Unfairly Targeting Migrant Sex Workers, Advocates Say

16 November 2022, The Tyee – An op-ed by SWAN’s Project Manager addressing the conflation of sex work and trafficking: “Yes, You Can Oppose Trafficking and Support Sex Workers’ Rights

27 October 2022, The Breach – SWAN calls for the repeal of sections of Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations that impact migrant women in sex work.”Overcoming isolation, sex workers are organizing for life-saving reforms

21 September 2022, Vancouver is Awesome – SWAN’s Programs Director reflects on the organization’s work over the past 20 years: “This rights and advocacy organization has been supporting Lower Mainland immigrant sex workers for 20 years

31 May 2022, Vancouver Guardian – SWAN’s Executive Director highlights the organization’s 20-year evolution: “Charitable Choices: SWAN Vancouver Society

9 February 2022, Richmond News – SWAN’s Executive Director joins two massage parlour workers in response to Richmond News’ January 2022 article about sex work: “Richmond massage parlour workers defend safety of their work environment


6 December 2021 Global News: Month of Giving Back: SWAN Vancouver. SWAN executive director Alison Clancey explains how the organization supports immigrant and migrant women engaged in sex work.

6 April 2021, New Books Network: Roundtable on Asian Migrant Sex Work: in the aftermath of the Atlanta massacre in March 2021, Executive Director Alison Clancey, Kelly Go (SWAN’s Outreach Coordinator), Dr. Lily Wong & Dr. Yuri Doolan were interviewed in a panel together.

1 April 2021, The Tyee – SWAN’s Executive Director comments on the constitutional challenge to Canada’s prostitution laws: “Sex Workers Launch New Challenge to Prostitution Laws

29 March 2021, CFRO: The Pulse Interview – SWAN’s Executive Director joins WISH Drop-In Centre Society’s Executive Director in discussing the Atlanta shootings and the province-wide Bad Date and Aggressor Reporting system being developed for BC.

​20 March 2021, Richmond News – SWAN’s Executive Director comments on federal and municipal sex work law and policy:  “Richmond review of massage parlours delayed

20 March 2021, Vancouver Sun – SWAN’s Executive Director responds to the shootings in Atlanta massage businesses and the increase in anti-Asian racism: “Vancouver advocates demand protection for Asian and migrant sex workers

19 March 2021, The Tyee  – SWAN’s Executive Director shares what people in Canada should know about Asian women who work in massage businesses in the aftermath of the Atlanta shootings: “Five Things to Know about Massage Parlour Workers in Canada and Their Rights

​19 March 2021, Richmond News – SWAN’s Executive Director highlights how Atlanta shooting victims were targeted not only because of race, but also occupation: “Richmond massage parlour ‘alert’ in light of Atlanta slayings

​18 March 2021, CTV – SWAN’s Executive Director demands better protections and awareness surrounding the specific risks facing Asian women who work in massage businesses: “‘Fight racism in all its forms’: How you can help Asian communities right now.”

​18 March 2021, CBC – SWAN joins community groups and releases statement on Atlanta shootings and SWAN’s Executive Director comments on the lack of legal protection for migrant sex workers: “Stand with us’: Anti-Asian racism in Canada is nothing new, communities say after Atlanta shootings

​17 March 2021, CBC – SWAN’s Executive Director speaks out on the impacts of criminalization in response to the Atlanta shootings: “Vancouver advocates call for more protection of Asian women in sex industry after Georgia shootings

​2 March 2021, openDemocracy – SWAN’s Executive Director speaks with Dr. Joel Quirk of Beyond Trafficking & Slavery to discuss SWAN’s ‘Anti Trafficking: Harming While Trying to Help’ campaign: “Causing harm while trying to help women in sex work

8 February 2021, Refinery 29 – SWAN’s Executive Director speaks to the need for a British Columbia-wide bad date reporting system: “How Sex Workers are Protecting Themselves – Because No One Else Will

​2 February 2021, VICE – SWAN’s Executive Director speaks to the need for a British Columbia-wide bad date reporting system: “‘Bad Date’ Reporting Tool for Sex Workers to Launch in Canada


9 November 2020, Vancouver Foundation – SWAN’s Executive Director shares the organization’s pandemic supports and services: “SWAN Vancouver: Filling Critical Gaps to Support our Community’s Most Marginalized

9 March 2020, Richmond News – SWAN’s Executive Director cautions municipal policymakers about the harms of trafficking misinformation: “Former teacher addresses human trafficking at Richmond council

6 February 2020, Richmond News – SWAN’s Executive Director calls on the City of Richmond to revise sex work policy: “Sex and the city: Richmond ‘body rub’ policies scrutinized

2019 and older

January 2019 Talking Radical Radio: SWAN’s Executive Director Alison Clancey and Jessi Taylor (SWAN’s Research Manager) were interviewed in a segment called Support and Advocacy with Migrant and Immigrant Sex Workers

November 2019 CJSF: Intravenus: SWAN’s Executive Director discusses issues facing im/migrant sex women engaged in sex work and SWAN’s work.

​8 August 2019, Der Taggesspiegel – Coverage of ‘The Police and Sex Work: Then and Now’ conference in Berlin, including SWAN’s keynote address:  “The Powerful Eye of the Police

6 July 2017, The Globe & Mail – SWAN’s Executive Director and Pivot Legal Society’s sex work campaign lawyer call on British Columbia police to stop participating in Operation Northern Spotlight and a complete end to the practice: “Sex-worker advocates call for end to B.C. police sting operations

1 June 2017, The Globe & Mail – SWAN’s Policy Analyst and Pivot Legal Society’s sex work campaign lawyer discuss the criminalization of advertising and the impacts on sex workers: “Backpage: Sex workers can find safety in online marketplace

1 April 2016, The UBC Thunderbird  – SWAN’s Executive Director comments on the impacts of criminalization and the shortcomings of the Vancouver Police Department’s Sex Work Enforcement Guidelines “New police approach to help sex workers proves ineffective

10 December 2014, The Georgia Straight – SWAN’s Executive Director expresses concern about the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act: ““Canada’s new sex-work laws ramp up risk for workers